The goal of the FIHEP is the recovery, historical investigation, and transmission of the
life and works of Señora María Eva Duarte de Perón and of her relevant contemporaries. The FIHEP will:
- Promote historical, cultural, social and political investigation regarding Evita's accomplishments; sponsor the study of her life, work and social activism; revive public interest in modern Argentine history.
- Preserve Evita's historical legacy which exists in Argentina and abroad, acting as a center for the collection of data and of all documentary material related to her life and work.
- Make known the life and works of Maria Eva Duarte de Peron and of her contemporaries with the object of guaranteeing the right of the people to become familiar with their historical identity.
The above mentioned objectives will be implemented by means of specific objectives to be developed in the following areas:
This area will be dedicated to fomenting historical and historiographical studies and investigations, providing scholarships and prizes for academic work which relates to the purpose of the Foundation.
The investigative scholars will work with other public, private, national and international institutions with similar interests.
The investigative scholars will engage in objective studies of the historical era and its people in order to encourage others to reflect upon and to open up debate regarding this historical period.
Bring together all documentary material (primary sources, books, videos, films, news articles, works written by and about Evita, biographies, novels, etc.) so as to form a research base. All collected information will be documented, classified and organized in a library open to the general public.
The FIHEP will be the depository for the family's historical legacy and will seek public and private donations so as to establish a museum to house the effigies, insignia, philatelic pieces, monuments, etc. which relate to Evita and to the era. The FIHEP will establish reciprocal agreements with local, national, and international organizations interested in researching the era and preserving its artifacts.
The FIHEP will use outreach activities to involve the community at large. We will focus on the community by means of quarterly publications, workshops, conferences, seminars, classes, and interdisciplinary activities. The FIHEP's database, library, research library, video library and museum will be open to the general public. We will involve students (from primary to post-graduate) by means of educational videos and specially designed computer programs which will acquaint them with the era and Evita's contributions to it. We will coordinate our objectives with those stated in the new Argentine Federal Education Law.
We hope to encourage people to take a proactive role in Argentine society and political life. Together our contributions will help bring to Argentina and to our world those positive changes which were Evita's mission in life.